Ultra healthy chocolate Dessert
I love sweet meals and there were times I ate dark chocolate everyday. During my journey to cure eczema, I found that yogurts are pretty healthy meals so I invented a veery tasty dessert. The ingredients that go in are all super healthy and tasty at the same time.

For a regular cup you need the following ingredients:
-- quality yogurt (I like to do my own) - or better kefir - read more below
-- 100% pure cacao powder (as I said I love dark chocolate and normally
add a spoonful)
-- toasted almonds (as many as you can fit in the cup)
-- mix of Stevia and honey (about 1 tea spoon of each)
-- flax seeds (I usually sprinkle in a spoonful)
How I do it - UPDATE (August 2017)
If you've been following my website and the discussion page that I've got on here a few years already, you probably know that my passion is to always improve in all important areas of life. That means I always read a lot about a really wide area of topics such as physical and mental health. I'm also very curious practically in meta-physics and the purpose of life, etc. But let's get back to the health area. It's been some time already that I discovered that kefir is actually a lot healthier than yogorut. I would actually say that you cannot even compare those 2 when it comes to a real effect on your health. Check out my article about kefir to get more details.
To make the long story short, now I use only kefir in my desserts as the number of probiotic bacteria species + probiotic yeasts is more than 5 times bigger. Yogurts actually don't have any probiotic yeasts. So this substitution of yogur for kefir makes my dessert even a lot more healthier and even the taste I would say is even better. The reason behind it is that kefir is usually not so sour - it has exactly what a great base for a deesert should have: A lot of fat, a little bit sour and great texture.
I really hope that you didn't get turned out by the information about fat.If you've been learning nutrition and healthy foods for some time already, I'm sure you know why there's nothing to be scared of. To put it simply, the fat storages on the body are mostly from acidic foods - sugary and processed - simply unhealthy foods that create these reactions, transformations to fat and its storage. The fat in food is actually healthy, a good source of energy and nothing to worry about if eaten in a natural form and amount. The regular full-fat kefir that you can buy in groceries has about 3.5% of fat, which is OK.
One other thing that I would like to point out that I don't even use Stevia or honey, or any other sugar very much any more. The reason for Stevia is that while it doesn't have calories and doesn't increase your blood sugar it's not very healthy actually. I've read a couple of studies where it said that it can mess around with the hormone levels and that is never a good thing. Plus also the test is not very good in my opinion as it is a lot sweeter than sugar but in a different weird way. That said, now when I want to sweeten some food I simply use fruits or a fresh homemade fresh fruit juice. Or If I'm lazy I use a little bit of honey or natural - bio marmelade. The good thing is that thanks to the high content of fat and proteins, the sugars from the sweetener shouldn't increase blood sugar levels much. It is because the digestive system needs more time to process fats, proteins or fiber thus everything is slower.
IMPORTANT: To get the whole routine I used to fight my eczema, simply join my group of subscribers in the upper right-hand corner.