My complete routine to cure eczema
First of all let me tell you that I hope you will really put the information that follows to practise and solve your eczema problems as well as I did. Over the period of time I suffered from eczema on my fingers, feet, behind knees, itchy eys, etc., I have acquired an exhaustive amount of information and experiences. I have tried many many diets, methods, and products and the good news is that I will not bother you with any unnecessary details.
What follows is really just the pure, non-bs important stuff that you can start taking advantage of practically immediately. I wrote the routine in a few simple steps. I'll just remind you that don't let yourself get fooled by the simplicity, it really works. It just confirms my way of thinking - that "the best things are simple". So, what follows are individual steps I took, together with described improvements of my eczema during a 15 days timeframe. I structured this page in a way that basically what you see at the top - the latest update, is what should be most effective and help most people as it's my latest acquired knowledge proved to work on myself.
DISCLAIMER: Please note that I'm not a doctor and everything on this website is based on my personal experiences and other resources. Always consult your doctor with your problems. The pure fact that I cured my eczema doesn't warrant that you will have the same success.
The routine

I'm finally 100% free of all the kinds of eczema I suffered from. My fingers are completely clear and my feet and the area behind knees as well. I don't even have any more itching of eyes, or any other part of my body!! The great thing is that even my skin on the face got better overall. To my surprise, I noticed that even the dandruff that I had since I can remember simply disappeared.
Since my last update I've learnt again so much more. Basically, If I had to sum up now what I found to be really helpful with eczema, it's a combination of:
------ UPDATE 21.4. 2016 ------
- 1.) Quality Chlorella (I recommend this one as it's cheap and high quality and with the best rating: - 2.) Puriya Cream (probably one of the best creams for some fast relief of itching
- 3.) Buy the most quality bio kefir you can find, preferrably from a sheep's milk and drink a cup after fasting for at least 16 hours. Do this everyday for at least a week. Please first make sure that you are not allergic to milk's protein (casein) by avoiding milk and milk products for 3 days - if avoiding milk doesn't help your eczema, then you should be OK (although I need to add here a disclaimer that I'm not a doctor and you should ask him). If you are allergic to milk then you can also try other probiotic foods such as: tempeh, miso, kim chee and natto, etc.(although I didn't really eat them during my healing process)
- 4.) During this period don't eat anything with gluten and try to also avoid potatoes. Both damage the intestinal lining pretty bad and thus delay your improvement even more.
- 5.) I'd like to really point out that practically the most important thing in curing my eczema was doing intermittent fasting, drinking around 2 spoons of quality bio apple cider vinegar (best would be homemade) 3x day, and avoiding gluten and milk (as I'm allergic to casein a little bit).
------ UPDATE 23.7. 2014 ------
So it's been already 7 months since writing my routine that helped me clear it completely. I need to say that later on I have had some eczema occurences from time to time and been trying to figure it all out and improve my routine. Here is my latest knowledge:
a.) The only foods that I can say that have real, time-tested positive effects on my eczema are bio milk kefir (or even better apple juice kefir) and apples
b.) I see 2 basic types of eczema:
--- one is a spread of bacteria or yeasts that you can get
for example on your feet in socks after a long warm day in shoes, which can go away in two days just by rubbing on some
vinegar, and just keep them on air sa much as possible.
--- Then there is what I like to call an "alarm" eczema, and you get it by eating foods, which you have developed
a temporary allergy to, and eating more toxins which get into your blood because you have an unbalanced intestinal flore
(leaky gut). I have this allergy on my fingers, which you can see on my videos. I say it in present tense as it still shows
up from time to time here and there in micro amounts. But it's practically nothing. You wouldn't even see it by looking at
my fingers and most of the time it's 99% eczema free - just as any other skin.
c.) I think that anyone can significantly reduce the "alarm" type eczema just by eating 3 or 4 days in a raw nothing more than just a big breakfast OR just a big dinner (you would eat all your day food in a smaller window like 5 hours - it's called intermittent fasting). Inside of this 5 hour window you can eat only these foods: rice (brown or white), buckwheat (put it in water over night), chicken, avodados, banana, grapes. While it's important that you avoid milk products, because they damage your digestive system, it's important to drink kefir as it has a ton of the probiotic bacteria you need right now to replenish your gut's microflora. With kefir, there's no problem with lactose as the bacteria and yeasts inside already ate and predigested almost all of it.
The only problem is with the casein Apha-s1 from cow's milk, so if you'd like to make it perfect - buy a kefir made of a sheep's milk - which has mostly ??-casein, and alpha-s2 casein (goat 's is also pretty good and casein similar to the sheep's one). Outside of this window can eat some fruits (not juice, just the whole fruits) and make sure to drink enough water without chlorine and chloramine (let it sit in a pitcher for a few hours or by a bottled water). I found out
that our body has a very underestimated power of self-healing. If you really let it heal, which happens only when you
fast, it can do wonders. Please, don't do real fasting (not eating anything during days) unless you are completely
prepared and you have studied the best steps on how to do it. It can be dangerous and even life threatening if you had some health problem and did a long fast. Always verify with your doctor.
------ end update ------
First Routine - written in December 2013
1.) Diagnose your allergen. In 95% your eczema comes from inbalanced intestinal microflora and digestive system, the other 5% of people can suffer from contact eczema such as from metals and especially nickel. For some period of time, try to observe what materials you come in contact with very often and find out if they might be the culprit.
2.) In my case, I found out that my eczema was caused by a course of really strong anti-biotics I took for a wounded tendon caused by bad warm up before lifting weights. My intestinal microflora suffered greatly as I didn't take any probiotics or anything. I found that it probably caused me to develop some kind of temporary allergies to milk and eggs, because when I stopped eating them, my eczema (blisters, redness, itching) started to improve. I say temporary, because now, that I cured my gut flora by the diet I describe here, I can eat milk products and eggs again without any problems.
3.) The first significant improvement after 7 months of trying everything
was the time I simply ate only the following:
breakfast - a mix of almonds, flax seeds, shredded coconut and honey
lunch and dinner - chicken naturally without
any oil(or with coconut oil) or even better a chicken broth. Make sure to eat also some vegetable (spinach or any mix of other vegetables)
I could feel the difference already after 2 days. The idea behind this is to eat only whole foods
so that your digestive system doesn't fight with processed garbage and is not constantly irritated.
What I also like to eat is buckwheat as it's gluten free, either with honey (I use bananas or other fruits as a sweetener), cocoa powder, etc.
4.) I found out that one of the best ways to cure your intestinal microflora and actually the whole body is the simpliest and cheapest thing on earth. You simply don't eat throughout the whole day except breakfast, only drink a lot of water and maximally some juices. You need to realize that if you constantly eat something that irritates your intestines, it's like you would pick a wound on your hand with a stick all the time. Would it heal? Yes, but it would take a LOT of time. So the same applies to your gut. The inbalance of friendly bacteria (microflora) in the intestines causes some new intolerancies and allergies, which in turn reflect on the largest organ of our body --> the skin. The body detoxifies this way and basically reacts inappropriately. Not only did my eczema significantly improved after such a day, but also my skin was a lot healthier and I was especially full of energy the whole day. The lesson here is to make sometimes a lighter day, and eat only a big an nutritional breakfast to let your body heal during the rest of the day.
5.) Take probiotics. If you find that your allergen is not the milk, drink high quality bio kefir. It's a lot better than any probiotic supplement in all ways.
6.) I found that any itching can be stopped within 5 minutes by eating a big apple or orange. The reason is that Vitamin C is a powerful natural anti-histamine and simultaneously speeds up every healing process in the body. Nowadays, people have a huge lack of this Vitamin, and it's mainly caused by the bad eating habits. The more unhealthy the food you eat is, the more natural Vitamin C in fruits you need to eat. I could test it really nicely, when my fingers served like radars and started to itch whenever I ate something bad, or my allergens - milk products, or eggs (allergens caused a lot bigger reaction - blisters, itching, redness). I could always solve the redness and itch in minutes by eating apples or oranges. The important note here is that you need to eat only ripe fruits.
1.) Identify your allergen - in most cases just make sure to avoid eating any milk or milk products and eggs.
2.) If possible avoid taking any anti-biotics. If your really need to, make sure to supplement them with some quality probiotics.
3.) Eat only whole foods (non-procesed) such as meat, fish(maybe avoid it at the beginning because of the high content of heavy metals), nuts, buckwheat (let it soak in water at night and then cook it like rice). As a sweetener use only a high quality honey or fruits.
4.) Have some days where you only eat in the morning and then just let your digestive system and whole body cure for the rest of the day. Don't forget to drink water.
5.) Help your gut reestablish the bacterial balance by taking probiotic bacteria - the more strains the better.
6.) Eat a lot of apples, especially after a bad food, or when your skin starts to itch. Eat also broccoli because not only does it contain a super amount of Vitamin C, which as I've already said literally shuts down histamine reactions. Broccoli in fact even contains quercetin, which is also known for strong anti-histamine and anti-inflammatory properties.
So there you have it. This is how I coped with my eczema. Please keep in mind that everyone is different and the healing process also depends from the severity of your condition. I'm sure you ask if there are any creams or lotions I used or would recommend. The truth is that obviously I tried to put a lot of different things on my eczema, but I found out that it just imbalances the natural oily filter of your skin. My tests also clearly proved that all the fluctuations of the condition of my eczema was 95% dependant on the food I ate with a reaction within the same day.
The evenings were always a lot worse. However, a food can make your eczema worse also within about 10 minutes. As I said you can also stop itching in minutes taking an apple. If it doesn't help, eat some more high Vitamin C food. Sauerkraut is a very powerful one as well. If you have a really bad cracking and dry eczema, use 100% natural coconut oil from a BIO store.
The most important thing you need to do now, is to really put my advices above in action! I can't stress this enough. Don't let your self get fooled by the simplicity. Every single step is very very important and it's all a golden nugget result of my 7 months trial and error experience.
You need to realize that your eczema is caused by a constant "wound" in your digestive system. It's only a question of time, right nutritions and not irritating the wound again and again by eating allergens, to get it healed. If you fall and scratch your elbows, you know for sure that your body is going to heal that spot in a few days. Why don't you believe that it can heal the cause of your eczema as well? The truth is that eczema can get better (relieve itching, redness etc.) in a matter of minutes just by having a big quality apple. I like the golden apples (green-yellowish color) the most. If you don't feel a relieve from itching, get some better quality apples. The problem our society suffers nowadays, is that the soil is very depleted of nutrients. Always go for the best quality local food providers.
Eczema is no different than any other wound. If it doesn't heal, there's something you do wrong on daily basis. Your first mission is to maximally minimize your eczema by eating selected quality foods. Then you need a lot of nutrients to help regenerate your digestive system. If after a month you still cannot eliminate eczema, find a really top quality provider of BIO Chlorella. It's a genus of single-cell green algae known to contain extremely high content of nutrients, minerals, vitamins, etc. It's proven to significantly speed up the regeneration process of our cells.
Just put my advices into action and in a few weeks (depending on your eczema)
you'll see a great difference! Should you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.
I wish you a wonderful day!