Honey is greeat :) I just love it so much. I've been mixing it with my everyday cereals, oatmeals, or yogurts for ages and cannot get enough. There are so many things about it that make it a perfect part of meals, I don't even know where to start.

OK, so let's first look at for example its simple sweetener function. We all know that sugar is bad, but at the same time we need it for cooking, deserts, etc. Yes, we have also brown sugar that is better might be a little bit better. The difference from the white one is however very small. Brown sugar is basically a simple white refined sugar enriched with 12-13% molasses (the by-product of sugar refining - sweet and dark thickened liquid obtained from the second extraction).
Another option would be the new marketing trend stevia - a sweetener 200 times sweeter than sugar but with no calories and found to be able lower blood pressure in people with hypertension problems. While it sounds really great, it's very important to read the ingredients and buy only the one that says "whole leaf stevia" instead of rebaudioside a or stevia extract.
So here comes the real hero among sweeteners. Honey is not only a safe substitute, but actually very healthy one. It is a strong antiseptic and antibacterial gift from our nature. Note, that there are also some companies that add sugar, so be careful, read the ingredients and buy only the pure honey. The range of beneficial effects on health is really wide, but let's start with the one that is especially important for us at this website. So is it any help on eczema? To be honest with you, it didn't help me with my eczema because as I told you at the beginning, I've always been a huge fan of honey and my eczema only got worse during the 7 months until I finally find my cure, which I describe in the routine I now sell on this website.
However, don't get discouraged, it might still help you. For example by applying topically it seems to relieve itching for some people. In pre-Ancient Egyptian times, honey was even used to treat wounds, burns and its healing properties have been known and used as the history remembers. I still believe that honey helps me in different ways of health, or at least doesn't make any bad - as the classic white sugar for example that would be certainly a worse alternative to use in my everyday breakfast.
COMPOSITION: Fructose: 38.2%, Glucose: 31.3%, Maltose: 7.1%, Sucrose: 1.3%, Water: 17.2%, and then some ash, etc. Honey is rich in minerals such as iron, calcium, phosphate, sodium chlorine, potassium, sulphur and magnesium. From vitamins: B1, B2, C, B6, B5 and B3.
It's made by bees, which fly from one flower (clovers, dandelions, berry bushes and fruit tree blossoms) to another and suck nectar which is composed mainly of water and sugars. Bees have two stomaches, where one is a storage for the nectar (about 70 mg). They have to work really hard to fill it up, basically a few hundred to a thousand of flowers. Upon arriving, they pass it to "house bees", which suck the nectar via their mouths. By chewing it around 30 minutes, enzymes break down the complex sugars to be better digestible for the bees and more resistent against bacteria. The nectar is then spread throughout the honeycombs. Upon evaporating of the water, bees seal off the particular honeycomb with wax.
IMPORTANT: To get the whole routine I used to fight my eczema, simply join my group of subscribers in the upper right-hand corner.