Throughout all the years I've been reading about healthy foods and products, the truth is that garlic seems to be one of the most powerful natural foods we all have a very easy access to. No wonder that there are a lot of stories on the internet indicating its potential benefit in alleviating dyshidrotic and other types of eczema. The market also offers products like Kyolic aged garlic juice or some garlic oil pills. So what exactly is garlic?

It's a plant that is accessible to us fresh all year long and belongs to the family Alliaceae and genus Allium, related to the onion, shallot and leek. As long as the history books remember, garlic has always been here and people have used it for culinary, medicinal and spiritual purposes.
The part of garlic that we consume is the head composed of a different amount of cloves. Uncooked, fresh and raw has usually a very strong and hot flavour. Although cooking it makes it a lot easier to eat, the real benefits that this wonderful herb (vegetable) can offer has mostly the raw form. However the strong taste is not usually the biggest problem that we face with garlic, because although it's strong it subsides in seconds. The effect that takes more time and effort to get rid of is the characteristic and resistant garlic breath that we get. To prevent this, cheweing of coffee grains, drinking some milk or yougurt spoon, slow eating of a spoon of honey, some prasley or an apple is recommended by most people.
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Thanks to allicin, it's a strong antibiotic, and its compound phytoncide makes it a great anti-fungal and anti-protozoa(parasites, etc.) remedy. Garlic contains also other important compounds such as alliin, ajoene, enzymes, vitamin B, minerals and flavonoids.
Garlic seems to be a true miracle champion among healthy plants. Just have a look at the wide range of health problems it helps to relieve or even prevent: infections, digestive disorders, fungal and yeast infections (thrush, Candidiasis), cardiovascular problems, atherosclerosis, thrombosis, hypertension, regulation of blood sugar levels and actually some history books mention it as a cure-all medicine. Finally I'll just add one curiosity the country, which seems to like to eat garlic the most is South Korea.
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